
NamePros $250 cash giveaway ends soon! Free and easy to participate in only a few minutes

Today: Statistics that actually matter to end-users / MMX.co sold for $8,400 / Looking for 4L: CVVC, VCCV, CVCV, VCVC – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

NamePros $250 cash giveaway ends soon! Free and easy to participate in only a few minutes – Wow! Could you use an extra $250 in your pocket? If so, take a couple minutes to participate in this giveaway over at NamePros today.

Statistics that actually matter to end-users – When it comes to targeting the right end-users ready to buy, what do you think the right statistics should be? Take a look at this conversation discussion the right statistics to look for in your research to identify an end-user ready to buy.

MMX.co sold for $8,400 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a three-letter, short, acronym, .co, ccTLD for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Looking for 4L: CVVC, VCCV, CVCV, VCVC – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these four-letter, cvvc, vccv, cvcv, or vcvc domains that this buyer needs. This could be an opportunity at some fast reinvestment cash in your wallet.

The Appraisal of Puzzle.ai – That’s an interesting looking six-letter, dictionary-word, generic, .ai, ccTLD domain, but does it have some liquid value in today’s market? What would you evaluate it for?

The post NamePros $250 cash giveaway ends soon! Free and easy to participate in only a few minutes appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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