Today: Evaluation / Premium AI Domain Wanted – Budget $5,000 / Sold For $802,500 and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Evaluation – A region specific domain name, so possibly a limited client pool. But how would you value this domain name in today’s market?
Premium AI Domain Wanted – Budget $5,000 – Check and see if you’ve got what they need! They Want one word ai or ai one word and are looking for multiple so keep them coming. Also it must be a dot com not dot ai. Sold For $802,500 – Talk about a hot name. Probably could’ve held out for a higher bid but still great in my opinion. What do you think?
Appraisal of – What do you think of this domain name? Personally I think it is too long and feel the ‘x’ is an already recognized brand.
Looking for Dot Com – Budget $500 Per Domain – Check you domain portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for! Three or four letter, no repeating for four letters but they’ll take repeating for three letters. One thing is it must be a dot com.
Can Domainers Be Replaced By AI Robots? – Do you think AI could do a domainers job? I mean they are already being used for multiple jobs now. Maybe not fully replacing them but still. They are specifically being considered for domain evaluation.
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