
Looking for Dot Com – Budget $30,000

Today: Evaluation of TravelClubDiscount.com / Domain Wanted – Budget $1,000 / Reputation is Everything and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Evaluation of TravelClubDiscount.com – How would you value this domain name in today’s market? Three words but I see some potential for it.

Domain Wanted – Budget $1,000 – They are looking for a high DA domain that involves roofing or home services. They are want multiple so keep going.

Reputation is Everything – Don’t you agree? I mean that is what set’s us apart in business. It can make the difference in domaining as well

DeeperSeek.Ai Appraisal – Check out this two word dot ai domain. What do you think? Dot ai has been doing well in sales lately.

What’s up with Whois – Domiain sites are no longer required to use Whois but its not dead – dead. Just replaced by RDAP.

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $30,000 – Check your domain portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for! strong pronounceable four letter words and one dictionary word domain. Bot must be a premium dot com and be realistic about it having commercial potential.

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