
Canadaworldyouth.org for Sold $9,000

Today: Looking for two word .com – Budget $6,000 / RentalsCheck.com Appraisal / TheFlow.com Sold for $12,000 / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Looking for two word .com – Budget $6,000 – They are looking for only dot com in english and it must be under seven letters. Do you have what they are looking for?

RentalsCheck.com Appraisal – How would you appraise this two word dot com? I could see it going for maybe $xxx, but that would be the max.

TheFlow.com Sold for $12,000 – I wonder what they plan to use this for. This was a good and brandable sale. Five figures is nice to have too.

Domain Ending in “GPT.com” Wanted – Budget $300 – They do not want it to have any numbers or hyphens in the name. One word plus gtp and dot com only.

Evaluation Climatecasts.com – I could see it being brandable, a little. Like a sip of the weather in your area. $xx, max though no more than that.

Canadaworldyouth.org for Sold $9,000 – This three word dot org sold for four figures. Do you think it could have sold for more.

The post Canadaworldyouth.org for Sold $9,000 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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