
Moviebazar.net Up for Sale

Today: 4L.com Wanted – Budget $300 per domain name / Appraisal of Windowfashions.co / For Sale Torila.com / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

4L.com Wanted – Budget $300 per domain name – They do not want it to contain q, j, k, u, v, w, y, or z but it must have an x as the last of the four letters. Do you have what they want?

Appraisal of Windowfashions.co – How would you value this domain name? I cant see this being worth more than its registration fee.

 For Sale Torila.com – Are you looking for a brandable domain name? Because this could be it.

Lime.gg Evaluation – This one word domain name is up for evaluation today. I could see this selling for a pretty penny.

PullTogether.org Sold for $8,600 – This two word dot com is fairly wholesome, with the dot org it makes me think it maybe used as a type of charity or aide.

Moviebazar.net Up for Sale – Check out this high traffic domain name for sale. It is totaling at 7,600.

The post Moviebazar.net Up for Sale appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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