
TrainingBats.com Sold for $10,000

Today: Dotnames.com Evaluation / Looking for LLL.co – Budget $100 /
Eleven.io Sold for $121,000 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Dotnames.com Evaluation – This is such an odd name, odd to say out loud. How would you value this in today’s market? Personally I wouldn’t even registrar it.

Looking for LLL.co – Budget $100 – Check your domain name portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for. Nothing super specific but could be some nice holiday spending money.

Eleven.io Sold for $121,000 – Look at this nice dot io sale at six figures. Haven’t seen a sale that high in a bit.

Appraisal of Futad.com – This domain seems like a versatile name, plus short, only five letter and a dot com. It has been aged thirteen years.

TrainingBats.com Sold for $10,000 – Check out this two word domain name. I didn’t even know people trained bats. Must be useful to sell so well.

The post TrainingBats.com Sold for $10,000 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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