Today: Looking Dot Com – Budget $50,000 / Appraisal / The Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) and Domaining and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Looking Dot Com – Budget $50,000 – Check your domain name portfolio and see if you have anything they are looking for. Something following the cvcv or vcvc dot com, no x, y, w, v, j, h or q. Appraisal – Two extensions normally don’t do to well in sales but this could be different. Due to the word travel and co and uk it’s a positive combination.
The Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) and Domaining – Check out this interesting domain article, capital management is always something important.
Dot Com – Budget $100 – Every type of domain is welcomed as long as it’s a dot com with no numbers or hyphens. Could be some good spending money since they are looking multiple.I
Godaddy’s Privacy Protection – Have you heard the drama? Come check out this article and get caught up.
The post GoDaddy’s Privacy Protection appeared first on Domaining Tips.