
First .IO, then .AI

Today: Appraisal of Datapacket.ai / If Domains Was A Video Game / Domain Wanted – Budget $100 Each and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Appraisal of Datapacket.ai – How would you value this dot Ai domain name in today’s market? Could be useful for the right person. What do you think?

If Domains Was A Video Game – Just something fun. See how many trophies you have collected in the domaining industry.

Domain Wanted – Budget $100 Each – They want something easy to spell and less than 10 characters for their cybersecurity domain. It can be made up and doesn’t need to include ‘cyber’ as long as it is a brandable dot com. Absolutely no numbers! Check it out, could be some weekend spending money.

Security incident involving domain names – Squarespace is having some security issues with their domain names so be sure to keep an eye out yours!

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $2,000 each – Check your domain name portfolios to see if you have what they are looking for! Not often do you see people requesting past tense domain name but here we are. They want one word in the past tense, ‘ed’, and it must be a dot com!

First .IO, then .AI – What do you think will be next? Trends come and go and typically to make a good profit off them you have to be ahead of them. As dot AI starts to fade what do you think will take over the industry next?

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