Today: Google just dealt another blow / Appraisal of / Looking for Three Letters – Budget $30,0000 and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Google just dealt another blow – Google is just on one recently when it comes to domain, just left, right and center. This time they are going with domain parking. Check out this article to learn more with Andrew Allemann.

Appraisal of – Interesting, I didn’t know there was such a thing as a noise expert. How would you value this two word domain name in today’s market?

Looking for Three Letters – Budget $30,0000 – They are looking for a pronounceable three letter dot com. Doesn’t need to be from the dictionary, just something pronounceable. Send a few domains their way!

An interview – Look at this interesting interview with Shane Cultra. It’s always good to learn something new in this industry!

Dot Com Wanted – Budget $10,000 – Check your domain portfolios and see if you have what this guy wants! Pretty simple just a CVCV dot com.

The post Dot Com Wanted appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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