Today: Appraisal / Sold for $17,499 / Looking for dot com – Budget $50 and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Appraisal – How would you value this domain name n today’s market? ‘S’ brings it way down in my opinion. Sold for $17,499 – I am somewhat surprise that this domain didn’t sell for more. What do you think?
Looking for dot com – Budget $50 – Give your domain portfolio a look over and see if you have what this guy is looking for! A brandable domain name related to trees or land.
What’s up with IBM? – Another domain name hijack? Check out this article to learn what happened with the Ohio company.
Evaluation of – At least it’s a dot com, but I don’t see it as brandable. Do you think it has any worth? Sold for $46,500 – I am not sure why but I feel like this number combo is satisfying to look at. What do you think? Why do you think it sold for Five figures?
The post Sold for $46,500 appeared first on Domaining Tips.