O que vender no verão? Veja 5 dicas para fechar mais negócios!
Zoop: Entre o final e o começo do ano, é normal que os lojistas se perguntem sobre o que vender no… Ver artigo The post O que vender no…
The .ai Registry has made changes to its domain WHOIS tool
The .ai Registry appears to have made changes to its public, web-based WHOIS tool in recent weeks. First off, domain records no longer display the domain’s creation date; this…
Official update on the SnapNames auction refunds
SnapNames was on the receiving end of auction winner backlash, after it reversed the outcome of more than a dozen domain auctions and issued refunds. After communicating the issue…
No LTO for Trend Types of Names
Domain Investing: I have the lease to own (LTO) option enabled on nearly all of my inventory-quality domain names. The maximum length of the lease term is generally set…
Easy.ai Sold for $50,000Dot Com’s Wanted – Budget $750,000
Today: GenerativeNFT.org Appraisal / Easy.ai Sold for $50,000 / Dog.ai Sold for $47,150 0 / and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye…
About Domainers Magazine
Domainers Magazine is a website that covers the domain name industry, including news, analysis, and advice on domain name investing, sales, and development. The website was founded in 2005 and is published by The Nolte’s (Jerry & Cindy). Domainers Magazine is a one-stop shop for domain name investors, providing them with the latest news, trends, and insights on the domain name industry. The website also offers a variety of resources for domain name investors, including a domain name marketplace, a domain name appraisal tool, and a directory of domain name brokers.