Entrepreneur Media sues creator of Entrepreneur’s Handbook

He’s just the latest person the publisher has sued.

Picture of scales with the word "lawsuit" imposted on top in a box

Entrepreneur Media, the company behind Entrepreneur magazine and Entrepreneur.com, has sued (pdf) yet another person who dared to use the word Entrepreneur in his brand.

The company filed a lawsuit against David Schools, who runs sites at entrepreneurshandbook.co and ehandbook.com. It alleges that Schools is infringing its trademarks for Entrepreneur and its E logo. Among its requests for relief are for Schools to transfer the domains and pay monetary damages.

Entrepreneur has a long history of suing entrepreneurs for allegedly infringing its marks. While it has a duty to protect its marks, I’m still confused how it got them in the first place. In the suit, the media company points out the many courts that it says have affirmed its rights in the marks. Of course, taking on small entrepreneurs makes those cases fairly easy to win.

Post link: Entrepreneur Media sues creator of Entrepreneur’s Handbook

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