
EducationSector.org Sold for $12,250

Today: Appraisal of Verine.com / Buying .com 4 letter Domains – Budget $50GreenSlate.com Sold for $8,901 / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Appraisal of Verine.com – I would say this domain is fairly brandable, increasing the value. At that I would still only place it at $xx.

Buying .com 4 letter Domains – Budget $50 – They are looking for multiple. Check your name portfolios and see if you have what they need.

GreenSlate.com Sold for $8,901 – Could this be considered a typo name of greenstate? Either way four figures is pretty good.

One word .io domains wanted – Budget $5,000 – Check your domain name portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for. That would be some nice spending money to have this week.

AiTalkingBot.com Evaluation – How would you value this domain in todays market? Ai related domains have been selling well lately.

EducationSector.org Sold for $12,250 – This two word domain name sold pretty well for a dot org at five figures.

The post EducationSector.org Sold for $12,250 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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