ICANN places .desi with EBERO as it looks for successor

EBERO will manage the domain while ICANN seeks a company to take over the top level domain.

Image of a globe with the words new tlds

ICANN has placed the top level domain .desi into the Emergency Back-End Registry Operator (EBERO) program.

Earlier this year, TLD operator Desi Networks told ICANN it wanted to terminate its contract for .desi. This was the first company to voluntarily terminate its agreement for a non-brand domain name.

EBERO was set up to ensure domain names still functioned if their registry operators shut down or otherwise didn’t meet their obligations to keep top level domains running.

ICANN said it is seeking a new operator for the top level domain and will issue a request for proposal to find that operator.

There are about 1,900 domains in .desi, but many of them are used for adult content sites. Desi is a term used to refer to people of South Asian birth who live abroad.

Post link: ICANN places .desi with EBERO as it looks for successor

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