Namecheap institutes deposit requirement to improve auction integrity

New users must deposit $100 in their Namecheap account before bidding on auctions.

Illustration with four hands holding bidding cards that say "bid"

Namecheap has started requiring some users to make a deposit before bidding in auctions, with the goal of improving auction integrity.

New users must deposit $100 in their Namecheap account before bidding on auctions. Some existing users with only a few auction purchases will also be asked to deposit $100 before bidding on their next domain.

This is in addition to the $5 annual subscription fee for auctions.

The additional requirement comes on the heels of the user badge system Namecheap instituted in August. This system shows how much bidders have spent on auctions so far and how many domains they’ve won. The goal is to help rival bidders evaluate the legitimacy of other bidders. For example, if you are bidding on an expensive domain and the top bidder is brand new, you might be cautious about if they were a legitimate bidder.


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