
EllingtonSchool.org Sold for $36,333

Today: Evaluation of Parade.tv or Paradetv.com / Looking for Two-Word Dot coms – Budget $100 / Study.ai Sold for $90,000 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Evaluation of Parade.tv or Paradetv.com – One of the rare times that dot tv is better than dot com. Purely based on sound and how brandable it is.

Looking for Two-Word Dot coms – Budget $100 – So far they haven’t found what they are looking for so check your domain portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for. They want a brandable name with a key word related to digital or money.

Study.ai Sold for $90,000 – Not only is it short but a dictionary, highly searched word. As high as this is I genuinely believe we will see this sell for more.

14419.com Evaluation – It is not worth much. Something about five digits just doesn’t work as well as four.

EllingtonSchool.org Sold for $36,333 – This two word domain sold well at six figures. Especially for a dot org.

The post EllingtonSchool.org Sold for $36,333 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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