ICANN meetings set for 2024: Puerto Rico, Rwanda, Türkiye

Board adds Türkiye to round out the 2024 meeting schedule.

Picture of Istanbul Sultanahmet Camii
ICANN will hold the 2024 Annual General Meeting in Istanbul.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has finalized its meeting schedule for 2024.

The schedule kicks off with ICANN79 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, from March 2-7, 2024. This is the Community Forum meeting.

Next up is the ICANN80 Policy Forum, which will take place in Kigali, Rwanda, from June 10-13, 2024.

And just recently announced, ICANN will hold its Annual General Meeting in Istanbul, Türkiye, from November 9-14, 2024. ICANN81 will be hosted by the Information and Communication Technologies Authority (BTK).

So far, ICANN has only scheduled the location of one meeting for 2025. The Community Forum will occur in Seattle, Washington, from March 8-13, 2025.

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