10 latest end user domain name sales

A web3 company, an auto glass shop and a precious metals company bought domain names.

text: end user domain sales with picture of money bag

This week, Sedo’s top four public sales were non-coms: gms.net, goat.fi, elektroroller.de, and bump.co.uk. Two of these were definitely end users, and we’ll have to wait on the other two to find out how they’re being used.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

GMS.net $14,999 – Messaging company Global Message Service forwards this domain to its website at gms-worldwide.com.

Goat.fi €12,299 – GoatFinance is building a DeFi yield optimizer.

NobleGoldInvestment.com $10,000 – Noble Gold uses the plural version of this domain and forwards this domain to that site. It promotes a guide to investing in gold and silver in your IRA.

Dimarcon.com $6,800 – Dimarcon is a customer acquisition business for B2B companies.

iCollect.co.uk £5,010 – iCollectClothes limited collects clothes for charitable causes. It forwards this domain to icollectclothes.co.uk.

Gutmann.nl €5,000 – Window and door company Gutmann bought this domain name and forwards it to the matching .de domain.

Eisenberg.cn $4,500 – Someone with the surname Eisenberg bought this domain name.

Stape.de €4,000 – This is a defensive pickup for Stape, a server-side tracking provider that uses the matching .io domain name.

Installer.eu €2,400 – This domain forwards to install.hu. Install makes industrial products.

DeinAutoglaser.de €2,100 – Auto glass shop MA Technix forwards this domain to its website. It’s German for your auto glass.

Post link: 10 latest end user domain name sales

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