The Follow-Up Powerhouse: Building Domain Relationships in 2024

The Follow-Up Powerhouse: Building Domain Relationships in 2024

Remember that feeling of elation after closing a fantastic domain deal? It’s sweet, isn’t it? But before you get too comfortable, listen up: the follow-up is where the magic truly happens. Domain industry giant Frank Schilling was once quoted as saying that “up to 50% of sales via come from following up with seemingly uninterested buyers.” Frank know what’s up and how to sell domain names exiting from the business with hundreds of millions of dollars!

So, let’s ditch the “one-and-done” mentality and unlock the hidden potential of every interaction. Whether you’re a seller celebrating a win or a buyer who just snagged a gem, follow-up can become your secret weapon to build lasting relationships and unlock even more success.

For Sellers:

  • Thank you and inquire: Don’t let the “sold” notification be your final message. Write a personalized thank-you note and politely ask about the buyer’s preferred domain types. This opens the door for future offers that perfectly match their needs. Remember, trust and relevance are key!
  • Strike while the iron’s hot: Just like I landed an additional $25,000 sale recently for a client by offering them a similar domain name the next week, don’t be shy to present relevant domains during the post-sale window. They’re already engaged, so capitalize on that momentum.

For Buyers:

  • Express gratitude and explore further: Show appreciation for the smooth transaction and inquire about the seller’s domain portfolio. Maybe they have other hidden gems waiting to be discovered! Your proactive interest might bag you future bargains.
  • Leverage established trust: It all starts with a simple follow-up email after an initial engagement. Building rapport can lead to exclusive deals and insider access in the future.

In the fast-paced domaining world, every connection is an opportunity. By mastering the art of the follow-up, you can transcend fleeting transactions and cultivate valuable relationships that fuel long-term success. Remember, it’s not just about the immediate sale; it’s about building a network of trust and collaboration. Embrace the power of follow-up, and watch your domaining journey reach new heights in 2024!

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The post The Follow-Up Powerhouse: Building Domain Relationships in 2024 appeared first on Robbie's Blog online since 2011 – Domain Names, Domain News, Domain Auctions.

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