What to do if your Afternic lead list looks like this:

How to get rid of confused “buyers” in one simple step.

Afternic lead list screenshot showing the same name multiple times

Every once in a while, one of my domain names on Afternic will get a lot of inquiries.

Consider the domain in the image above, HackSpin.com. It received a few inquiries in September, but starting in December, it became a flood: the domain received over 85 inquiries from December until January 6.

Most of these inquiries were relegated to “Afternic Automation”, meaning Afternic thinks they have very low potential.

It’s quite clear that people are confused. This domain was set to the Request Price lander, and people were filling out the form because they were looking for something other than to buy the domain.

I have no idea what they’re looking for. If I had to guess, it has something to do with this same domain in the .online extension.

Getting all of these misguided inquiries is a waste of time and clutters up your Afternic Lead Center.

But there’s a simple way to get rid of these misguided inquiries — and you can make a bit of money at the same time.

You have two options. One is to change the lander to Buy Now. This will instantly turn off your bad inquiries and turn people away.

But unless you have concerns about the ads your domain will show, I’d recommend switching your domain to the Cash Parking lander instead. This lander still gets rid of confused people making an inquiry but can also earn you some pay-per-click revenue. And there will still be a banner at the top that people can click on if they are actually interested in buying the domain name.

Sure enough, within a few days of switching this lander to PPC, it has started generating revenue.

More importantly, the bad inquiries stopped.

Post link: What to do if your Afternic lead list looks like this:

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