AI is back! (It was never really gone)

Domain sales with “AI” in them rebounded in Afternic’s keyword rankings.

Chart showing top keywords in domains sold at Afternic in November 2023. Previous month's rank is in parenthesis: my (1) group (2) ai (9) bet home (4) solutions (11) it (4) casino gpt club life (7) capital (11) health (5) new (8) your pro (20) law (6) all us (10) tech (18)

Afternic released its latest keywords report today, listing the top 20 keywords found in domain names sold on Afternic in November 2023.

One month after dropping to #9 on Afternic’s list of top keywords in domain sales, “ai” jumped back up to #3:

  1. my (1)
  2. group (2)
  3. ai (9)
  4. bet
  5. home (4)
  6. solutions (11)
  7. it (4)
  8. casino
  9. gpt
  10. club
  11. life (7)
  12. capital (11)
  13. health (5)
  14. new (8)
  15. your
  16. pro (20)
  17. law (6)
  18. all
  19. us (10)
  20. tech (18)

Some of the terms in this chart show up month after month, and could be helpful when searching for domains to buy. My, group, home, and solutions are frequently on the list.

Afternic also creates a list of filler words that it doesn’t include in its chart. “The” would land at #1 overall on the chart (by far) if it was included.

Post link: AI is back! (It was never really gone)

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