What you missed at the ICA meeting in Las Vegas

Internet Commerce Association held its second annual member meeting in Las Vegas last week.

Andrew Allemann, Steven Kennedy, Ammar Kubba holding pickleball trophies standing on a pickleball court.
The winners of last week’s ICA pickleball tournament, AKA Kubba Kup (L-R): Andrew Allemann (third), Steven Kennedy (first), Ammar Kubba (second).

Last week, the Internet Commerce Association (ICA) held its annual member meeting in Las Vegas. It was equal parts fun, networking, and business.

The event kicked off Wednesday night with an outing to The Sphere to watch Postcard from Earth. My flight was late so I missed the show, but I heard it was a great time.

Thursday kicked off with a meet and greet and broker breakfast, followed by social activities: your choice of a Red Rock hike, TopGolf, a lion habitat ranch, the Mob Museum, or pickleball.

Ammar Kubba organized the pickleball tournament, aka Kubba Cup. It was more exercise than I was expecting during a trip to Las Vegas, but a ton of fun. Steven Kennedy took first place, Ammar took second, and I rounded out the top three. I’m sure this tournament will return next year.

Later that evening, Squadhelp and Hilco Digital sponsored the opening reception at a restaurant in the hotel. Ryan McKegney organized a poker tournament later that night. We had about 20 players; big winner Steven Kennedy took first. I finished just out of the money in fourth place. You can expect a poker event to come back next year, too.

Friday was all business. ICA General Counsel Zak Muscovitch provided a policy update that was followed by a member town hall. Later, domain investors could ask Squadhelp founder Darpan Munjal and GoDaddy President of Domains Paul Nicks whatever they wanted during AMAs. (My big takeaway and action item is to enable payment plans on more of my domain names. From hearing from Munjal and Nicks, it’s clear that payment plans lead to a significant increase in sell-through rates.)

The afternoon included breakout tables and a legal discussion with John Berryhill.

The evening reception included a touching tribute to this year’s Lonnie Borck Memorial Award winner, the late Jason Sheppard. His sister was in attendance to receive the award.

And the night (officially) concluded with an excellent magic/mentalist show.

There were more discussions on Saturday morning before the show officially concluded.

I’ve said it before, but if you’re a domain name investor or cater to investors, it’s worth joining the ICA to attend this event.

It’s a high-quality audience. The small size (about 150 people attended this year’s show, up from around 100 last year) makes it possible to say hello to everyone. It’s held at a great venue. The programming is balanced between fun and business.

So mark your calendar for next year. And join the ICA today.

Post link: What you missed at the ICA meeting in Las Vegas

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