A dozen end user domain sales up to $38,000

A skincare brand, a motorcycle accessories company, and a digital design firm bought domain names.

The words "end user domain sales" next to a money bag on a green background

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

G2M.com $38,000 – This domain forwards to the website for GiG Media, an iGaming lead generation company.

Aksi.com $15,000 – The buyer is creating a Shopify store.

Cruised.com $12,500 – This domain forwards to SuiteGuru, a luxury hotel site. So, Cruised might be another travel site the company plans to build.

EchoWater.com €8,900 – The buyer is creating a Shopify store. There’s a logo that plays off of H20 in ecHO.

Vernetzt.de €5,000 – Volksbank Backnang eG bought this domain and forwards it to vrnzt.de.  The domain is German for networked, and I believe this is a site to connect people to local businesses.

Billiet.com €3,999 – This domain forwards to the website for Cosy&Trendy, which sells home goods. I believe the owner’s last name is Billiet.

Oteria.com $3,975 – Oteria is a skincare brand.

Louis.it €3,500 – Motorcycle products company Louis bought this domain and forwards it to louis-moto.it.

3fo.com $3,500 – 300FeetOut is a marketing firm. It uses the domain name 300feetout.com. This was a smart purchase at a good price.

Insurancy.com €3,000 – This domain is used for an insurance lead gen site.

TheGreenRoad.com $3,000 – Digital design firm GREEN-i acquired this domain name.

Mycho.com €2,690- The buyer has an email address handle “sirmycho”. I’m unsure if it’s a nickname, business name, or other.

Post link: A dozen end user domain sales up to $38,000

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