Sold for $32,500

Today: Appraisal of / LLLL’s Wanted – Budget $1,000 / Sold for $59,995 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Appraisal of – An interesting two word dot com is up for appraisal today. How much do you think this domain is worth in today’s market?

LLLL’s Wanted – Budget $1,000 – Check your portfolios to see if you have what they want for a little spending money. They don’t have any specific so let them know. Sold for $59,995 – A two word dot ai sold pretty well recently for five figures. It cant just be any ai it has to make sense. Evaluation – This one word dot ms could be useful for an end user. Do you think it is worth three figures?

Looking Dot Coms – Budget $500,000 – They are looking for multiple one word domain names, preferably short. Check your portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for? Sold for $32,500 – Looks like dot ai’s are on the rise again. five figures for four letters is a pretty good deal.

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