
Harpa.org Sold for $5,100

Today: Appraisal of Looksloan.com / Looking for Dot Com – Budget $10,000 / Looking for Dot Com – Budget $10,000 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Appraisal of Looksloan.com – Do you think this two word domain is worth $20,000? In my opinion it is not but we’ll see.

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $10,000 – They are looking for cvcv but specifically abab pattern. Could be a nice pay day.

Myheatworks.com Sold for $12,500 – This three word domain sold pretty well recently at five figures. It may be on the lower end but five figures is still pretty nice.

ElectricGenerator.net Evaluation – What would you say this two do you think this two word dot net is worth in today’s market? Personally I could see it going for four figures maybe more with different extensions.

One Word Wanted – Budget $3,000.ai – Check your domain portfolio and see if you have what they want. It must be a dot ai and be quick, they just want one.

Harpa.org Sold for $5,100 – A solid sale for this short dot org domain. Would you buy a domain name like this?


The post Harpa.org Sold for $5,100 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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