Searching for expired domains by keyword

How to find keywords to buy and how to find expiring domains with these keywords.

Yellow and black color with line striped label banner with word expired

I have a confession: I rarely search for expired domain names based on keywords. Or, at least, that used to be the case.

Because I mostly buy closeouts and low-cost auctions, I keep an open mind to any keywords (or parts thereof) that make a good brandable domain name.

But I started playing around with keyword searches last year. It’s a great way to find domains that contain keywords that sell well in the aftermarket.

There are several sources of data for finding keywords:

The domain industry’s go-to expired domain search platform,, provides keyword searching tools. But you need to know how to use them. In this video, I walk through the site’s keyword tools and explain how some fields are AND while others are OR.

Post link: Searching for expired domains by keyword

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