
HoodIncubator.org Sold for $6,200

Today: 3K.net Appraisal / Dot Com Wanted – Budget $45/ Domain / Cradle.xyz Sold for $49,988 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

3K.net Appraisal – We always love a good digit letter combo. Though the dot net drags the value down. What do you think?

Dot Com Wanted – Budget $45/ Domain – They want five letter domain names that is pronounceable and brandable. Do you have anything to toss their way?

Cradle.xyz Sold for $49,988 – Check out this one word dot xyz sale. Five figures is pretty good.

Evaluation of Jobs-room.ch – Hard pass for me. Between the dot ch and hyphen its pretty worthless. How would you value this domain name in today’s market?

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $50,000/ Domain – Check your domain portfolio for a ten letter max name. Just one word with at least fifty extensions. Their total budget is $250,000.

HoodIncubator.org Sold for $6,200 – What do you think of this two word domain name. A good sale for a dot org.

The post HoodIncubator.org Sold for $6,200 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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