
PlasticBagBanReport.com Sold for $11,200

Today: TourMilan.com Appraisal / Looking Dot Com, Dot Ai, or Dot Io – Budget $5,000 / Profile.net Sold for $108,897 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

TourMilan.com Appraisal – What do you think of this two word domain? This is a premium domain name in my opinion.

Looking Dot Com, Dot Ai, or Dot Io – Budget $5,000 – Check your domain portfolio and see if you have what they want. A two word max that fits in the horoscope, tarot card niche.

Profile.net Sold for $108,897 – It has been awhile since I have seen a six figure sale on here. Such a nice one word domain though.

Evaluation of KpopFlix.com – A solid domain name that makes sense. Could be used for streaming kpop videos or shows. How would you value this domain name?

Dot Com Wanted – Budget $25,000 – All they want is three letter, that’s it. They are hoping to find multiple.

PlasticBagBanReport.com Sold for $11,200 – Check out this long domain sale. Just goes sometimes a long one can sell well in the right market.

The post PlasticBagBanReport.com Sold for $11,200 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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