
PKQ.com Sold for $12,750

Today: InternetTimes.com Evaluation / Dot Com Wanted – Budget $400/ Domain / DefendR.com Sold for $8,888 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

InternetTimes.com Evaluation – How much would you say this domain name is worth in today’s market? I could see it going to an end user for about three figures.

Dot Com Wanted – Budget $400/ Domain – They want 50 name, so check you domain portfolio and see if you can make a quick buck. They want four letter dot com’s.

DefendR.com Sold for $8,888 – Get it? Like defender? Anyways four figures isn’t a bad deal for a misspelled domain name.

Appraisal of TheImageEditor.com – Three words is a bit lengthy but I could see this being useful to some one. What do you think?

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $1,000 – They are looking for a premium and brandable domain name. They prefer it involve sustainability and/or smart energy.

PKQ.com Sold for $12,750 – Four figures for three letters isn’t bad. Normally ‘q’s don’t do to well but it fits nicely with the other two letters.

The post PKQ.com Sold for $12,750 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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