
CreditServices.com Sold for $13,500

Today: NaturalGasContractor.com Appraisal / Meekdeals.com for Sale /
BusinessFunding.com Sold for $44,000 / and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

NaturalGasContractor.com Appraisal – This is a long one. Too vague to be brandable but useable.

Meekdeals.com for Sale – Check out this brandable domain name for sale. Could add value to your domain portfolio.

BusinessFunding.com Sold for $44,000 – A nice two word domain sale, could’ve held out for more. Do you think this is a good deal.

Evaluation of TaxBotAi.com – How would you value this domain name in today’s market? Ai niche names can be fairly finicky.

CreditServices.com Sold for $13,500 – Five figures for two words is pretty nice.

The post CreditServices.com Sold for $13,500 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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