End user domain sales: padel, video games, AI and more

An AI site for teachers, a VR video game publisher, and a padel tour bought domain names.

"end user domain sales" in white text next to a money bag on a purple background

Sedo’s top sale this past week was GameGenie.com for $65,000. There’s a legacy site on the domain, and I’m unsure if the buyer intends to expand upon the existing site or start a new one. If you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you’ll appreciate the nostalgia of this site. Visit it before it disappears.

Here’s a list of end user domain name sales that just completed at Sedo. You can view previous lists like this here.

Reiseversicherung.at €12,600 – This domain, which is German for Travel Insurance, forwards to the website of travel insurance company Nexible.

TeachMate.com $5,750 – This is an interesting one to consider. The company uses the domain TeachMateAI.com and bought the shorter version. Think about this when you see companies using CompanyNameAI .com domains. As for TeachMate’s business, it helps teachers with their tasks like lesson planning. Cool idea.

MPGA.com €5,000 – MPGA Battery, a battery manufacturer, bought this domain and forwards it to its longer domain MPGAbattery.com.

MoneyFund.com $5,000 – The buyer is creating a website that’s still a work in progress. It’s clear it’s about money, but other than that, we’ll have to wait and see.

GridRunner.com €4,000 – GridRunner is a VR video game.

HDC.net $3,750 – HDC is a web development firm.

Grillpfannen.de €2,990 – This domain, which is German for Grill Pans, forwards to the website for Bratpfanne.

SmartProcure.de €2,950 – E-procurement company Cosinex bought this domain name.

Kehrwieder.de €2,900 – This domain forwards to Kehrwieder-verlag.de. The company publishes a newspaper in the Hildesheim/Vorharz region of Germany.

MyPadel.de €2,750 – Padel is a lot like pickleball, but with walls you can hit the ball off of, and it’s trendy outside the US. This domain forwards to padel-tour.de, which promotes a padel tour in Germany.

Outermind.com $2,500 – Tavish Calico bought this domain. If I’ve found the right guy, he runs a branding agency, so this could be for a client. This seems like a good value for the domain.

ADMK.com $2,500 – ADMK is a digital publishing company.

BrownMedia.com $2,000 – Brown Media is a video production firm.

Post link: End user domain sales: padel, video games, AI and more

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