Ethereum Name Service DAO begins voting on possible settlement

So far, voters are not in favor of continued litigation.

ENS DAO voting on proposal shows majority favor settlement.
ENS DAO voting as of approximately 12:15 pm ET on February 20.

The Ethereum Name Service (ENS) DAO has begun voting on a proposal to settle a dispute over

In very early voting, it appears the DAO is in favor of settling the dispute for $300,000 or less but not in favor of reimbursing ENS Labs for its litigation expenses or continuing the lawsuit.

I’m unsure if DAOs need to make votes like this public, but if so, it shows another disadvantage of these decentralized organizations. The public nature of the vote puts ENS at a disadvantage in the litigation.

ENS Labs has said that should the DAO not approve of paying for the litigation expenses, it will move to dismiss the litigation immediately. It will also post an interstitial on the domain name, suggesting people use eth .limo instead.

Eth .link acts as a forwarder so people can visit .eth domains in their normal web browsers. There is some value to this if you believe blockchain-based names are suitable for websites. Since the lawsuit was filed, I’d argue that the idea of using blockchain domains for websites instead of just wallet addresses and identifiers has lost some steam.

It’s worth noting that dismissing the matter might not be as simple as dropping the case. Dynadot has also lost revenue because of ENS’s lawsuit, and both Dynadot and GoDaddy have incurred legal expenses.

DAO Voting will continue until February 25.

Post link: Ethereum Name Service DAO begins voting on possible settlement

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