Courting Mr. Beast – DNW Podcast #476

How Radix scored a deal with the world’s most popular YouTuber.

Podcast title Courting Mr. Beast with Sandeep Ramchandani

Last year, the world’s most popular YouTuber, Mr. Beast, changed his merch store website to a .store domain and promoted the switch in a video viewed nearly 200 million times.

On today’s show, Radix CEO Sandeep Ramchandani explains how his company worked for many months to strike a deal with Mr. Beast.

We also discuss other influencer and marketing campaigns Radix has run and how it calculates a return on the investment.

Additionally, Sandeep sheds some light on how Radix’s top level domains performed last year.

Also: A golden domain, sales landers blocked, Squadhelp features and more.

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