Happy Birthday, and here’s how you can play a role in Domain Name Wire’s continued coverage.

Domain Name Wire celebrated its 19th birthday on Saturday.
I first published on this site on March 9, 2005. Nearly 15,000 posts later, it’s still going strong.
While keeping this site active can sometimes be a slog, I genuinely enjoy covering this dynamic industry full of new ideas and interesting people.
Thank you, dear reader, for following along for the last 19 years. And a special shout out to the advertisers who have made this site possible. (I currently have a waitlist for advertising, but please get in touch with me if you’d like more information.)
Want to help Domain Name Wire continue? There are a few things I’d be grateful for:
- I’m always looking for interesting guests for the podcast. Whether that’s you or someone you think might be interesting, please send suggestions to me at andrew (at) domain name wire .com. I know some people are scared about recording a podcast, but trust me, I don’t bite. All shows are edited before they go live.
- One of my goals this year is to do a better job responding to comments posted on the blog. A lot of commenting happens on social media these days, but I’d love to interact with readers directly on the site.
- Support DNW’s advertisers by visiting them, signing up, and telling them you heard about them at Domain Name Wire.
Post link: Domain Name Wire is 19
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