Should you set up a catch-all email on your domains?

Here are some drawbacks to setting up catch-all email.

Picture of an email inbox with lots of email

Last week I wrote about how to set up catch-all email on Squadhelp. Setting this up means you’ll receive any emails sent to your domains.

While this could provide you with insight about your domains, there are some drawbacks.

John Berryhill explained some legal considerations in a post a couple of years ago. There is certainly a chance that collecting email (or even setting up MX records) can open you to suspicion or legal consequences.

Another drawback is that people might start spoofing your domain name with outbound emails.

That said, you can add an SPF record to your domain to prevent spoofing. I updated last week’s article with instructions. Basically, you’ll add a TXT record with v=spf1 -all.

Like many things, there are potential benefits and drawbacks that you need to weigh.

I previously tracked inbound email using a service that sold the data to help companies clean their lists. It was interesting to see which domains received a lot of emails, but I can’t point to a single instance of it leading to a domain sale.

Post link: Should you set up a catch-all email on your domains?

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