Credit reporting firms sue to reclaim typosquatted domain names

Companies ask court to hand over cybersquatted domain names.

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Three credit reporting companies have filed a lawsuit (pdf) to recover 140 domain names that they say infringe their trademarks.

The plaintiffs are:

Central Source, LLC – This company runs the federally mandated site, which allows consumers to review their credit reports from TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian for free once per year.

Opt Out Services, LLC – This company runs another federally-mandated service that lets consumers opt out of receiving so-called “firm” credit offers. These usually take the form of credit card solicitations sent to consumers. The company runs the site

Online Data Exchange, LLC – This company offers the e-OSCAR system for credit dispute resolution. Its website is

The companies claim the domains in question are typosquats of their domain names.

Examples include annualfreecreAditreport .com and optoOutprescreen .com. Online Data Exchange is going after just one domain, e-oscar .net

The in rem lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court this week in the same district where Verisign, the registry for .com and .net domains, is located. All of the domains in question are .com or .net.

Central Source has frequently turned to this court to recover typosquatted domain names.

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