
Looking for Dot Com – Budget $500

Today: Electrician.jobs Appraisal / Domain Brokers of Afternic / Why some companies spend $1 Million on a domain name s and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Electrician.jobs Appraisal – How would you value this domain name in today’s market? Do you think it holds any value?

Domain Brokers of Afternic – Do you think domains could be less if you go through a broker? In my experience no. They have to make their money some have. What do you think on the topic?

Why some companies spend $1 Million on a domain name – Acquiring a premium domain can really up your portfolio and especially if it’s in the seven figures or up range. They are easier to market and have a higher traction rate with search engines.

Looking for List – Come check this out. Do you have the information they are looking for? They need a current list of all Afternic distribution partners.

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $500 – Check your domain portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for. Three letters is all they want with no more less.

The post Looking for Dot Com – Budget $500 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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