
Looking for Dot Com – Budget $50,000

Today: Is there a need to replace Godaddy’s discontinued 7-Day Member Auctions? / Evaluation of Bet.ink / Dot Ai Wanted – Budget $120 and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Is there a need to replace Godaddy’s discontinued 7-Day Member Auctions? – Would you like to see a replacement of this service? Many may agree, share you opinion here!

Evaluation of Bet.ink – Not a great extension, I do not recommend. Better to stick to the classics like, dot com, dot org or dot net. What do you think?

Dot Ai Wanted – Budget $120 – Check your portfolio and see if you have what they want. One word with no hyphens, numbers or ‘-ing’.

Cleanfleetservices.com Appraisal – Check out this domain name. Three words but you can see the prospect in it. Would be better if it were cleaning instead clean. Still marketable in my opinion. How would you value this domain name in today’s market?

Fantasy.ai Sold for $120,000 – Check out this crazy sale for this one word dot ai. You don’t always see such high numbers but it is nice.

Looking for Dot Com – Budget $50,000 – They are just looking for one word and no other specification. Could be a nice pay day. Check you portfolios and send them one with an asking price!

The post Looking for Dot Com – Budget $50,000 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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