
Demand for Premium Domain Names is Rising

Today: Looking Dot Com – Budget $30,000 /Appraisal of Bitcoingames.online / Looking for action-packed domaining and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Looking Dot Com – Budget $30,000 – Check your domain portfolios and see if you have what they’re are looking for! It could be some nice spending money for the summer. Three letter or four with the cvcv pattern.

Appraisal of Bitcoingames.online – What do you think of this domain name? Could it have any value? Let them know on NamePros!

Looking for action-packed domaining – Are you addicted to domain investing? If so, welcome to the club! Take a peek at what some domain name addicts are saying about the best places to get their groove on and how they tame their domain addiction. Roll up your sleeves and dive into this conversation to get your next fix.

Marijuanna.org Evaluation – Misspelling kills in domain names. Just keep that in mind. You may be able to get away with it under a dot com but anything else you shouldn’t bother.

Dot Co Wanted – Budget $5,000 – Either one word or three letters wanted! Check your portfolio to see if you have something brandable to offer up.

.ae ccTLD Demand for Premium Domain Names is Rising – Check out this interesting article to get caught up on the changes in the domaining industry.

The post Demand for Premium Domain Names is Rising appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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