
Dot Com Wanted – Budget $500

Today: Facetoface.US Appraisal / The Panic of 1857 / Looking for Dot AI – Budget $500 and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Facetoface.US Appraisal – How would you value this domain name in today’s market? I think it could have some value, at least three figures.

The Panic of 1857 – There are things you should keep in mind from the past. Check out this article to see.

Looking for Dot AI – Budget $500 – They are looking for something pronounceable and only four letters. Check your domain portfolio and see what you’ve got to sell them.

Evaluation of ContractorNYC.com – A solid domain name for a contractor in New York City. Would just take some time to sell. What do you think?

Diversify A Domain Name Portfolio – There are many ways to diversify your domain portfolio, but should you? See this article for the pros and cons of it.

Dot Com Wanted – Budget $500 – They want two domain names. No hyphens, numbers and special characters, or j, q, u, v, w, x, or y. They just want a four letter dot com.

The post Dot Com Wanted – Budget $500 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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