
How many domain sales happen everyday?

Today: Saw.com Cuts New Path With Their Marketplace/Brokerage Solution / Appraisal of Metabride.com / Looking for Dot Org – Budget $2,000 each and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Saw.com Cuts New Path With Their Marketplace/Brokerage Solution – Saw is making a new path for easy domain transfer. Give them a test and see if their changes are actually worth it!

Appraisal of Metabride.com Check out this two word dot com and see if it has any worth. Win with the meta but they lose me at the bride. What do you think?

Looking for Dot Org – Budget $2,000 each – They are looking for three letter (CVC) and geographically dot orgs. They need multiple so check your portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for.

DefiningJoy.com Evaluation – How would you value this domain name in today’s market? I think it may be good for a blog.

Dot Coms Wanted – Budget $50,000 – They want four letter domains and five letter domains. Multiple so everyone can chip in and get some.

How many domain sales happen everyday? – Do you know how many sales are made across all domaining platforms every day? Check out this interesting article on the topic.

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