
Likelihood of finding great domains on domain expiry sites?

Today: Looking for Names – Budget $100,000 / Appraisal of FullPetCare.com / Dot Cymru Domain Storefront Closes and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Looking for Names – Budget $100,000 – – They like first name dot coms. Boy, girl, unisex, any kind. They are looking for multiple, about ten, so check your portfolios and see if you’ve got it.

Appraisal of FullPetCare.com – This has potential. How would you value this domain name in today’s market?

Dot Cymru Domain Storefront Closes – This Welsh business is facing uncertainty with the store front closure. Check out this interesting article on the topic!

RoboticAction.com Evaluation – A solid two word dot com. Could see it going for high four figures. What do you think?

Dot Com Domain Wanted – $5,000 – Check your portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for! It needs to be tech related and have a GoDaddy appraisal above $2,800. Their budget is $300 per domain with possible exception, even better news is that they want multiple.

Likelihood of finding great domains on domain expiry sites? – Have you ever given it a shot? It can pay off but it can take a whole lot of looking.

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