
Emotional Phases of the Beginning Domain Investor

Today: 11 recent end user domain name sales / Looking for Domain Names – Budget $800 / Evaluation of Littlebirdi.com and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

11 recent end user domain name sales – Look at these recent domain sales!

Looking for Domain Names – Budget $800 – Do you have any one word dot coms? Plain and Simple. Check your portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for.

Evaluation of Littlebirdi.com – Check out this interesting two word domain name. Do you think it’ll have any value in today’s market?

Law Suit Over $1 Million and Missing Funds – Rob Monster is being sued along with Epik by a domain name investor.

SoloAi.net Appraisals – Check out his interesting domain name. Do you think it would be anything useful?

Emotional Phases of the Beginning Domain Investor – Have you felt these emotions before? I think all of us have!

The post Emotional Phases of the Beginning Domain Investor appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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