
Looking for Dot Coms – Budget $200 Per Domain

Today: Seattle childcare company tries to hijack a domain name / P3AI.com Appraisal / 2024 Digital Innovation in Art Award and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Seattle childcare company tries to hijack a domain name – Always good to keep up with legal disputes and currently laws within the domaining industry.

P3AI.com Appraisal – Kinda looks like peal, at least in all caps. How would you value this domain name in today’s market?

2024 Digital Innovation in Art Award – Dot Art announces finalist and two honorees! Check out this interesting article!

Evaluation of Vaxin.net – What do you think of this interesting domain name? You really don’t see misspelled dot net domains sell well.

Looking for Dot Coms – Budget $200 Per Domain – Check your domain portfolios and see if you have what they want! And they want a lot! Four letter domains, five number domains and three number or letter domains. Now they want multiple and they are open to bulk deals so send them what you got!

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