Today: Evaluation / Two Words Wanted – Budget $2,000 / Grit Brokerage Discusses and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Evaluation – How would you value this two word domain name in today’s market? Personally I think it’s a difficult read for a domain name.
Two Words Wanted – Budget $2,000 – They specifically request that one of the two words is blue, in the beginning. Should be considered a premium domain name.
Grit Brokerage Discusses – Check out this interesting interview with Mac Spiller and learn more about the maddox dot com sale
Appraisal of – What do you think of this domain name? Dot Co isn’t typically that high but I can see this domain going places.
Looking for Dot IO or Dot CO – Budget $10,000 – Check your domain portfolios and see if you have what they are looking for! Max three letters, one English dictionary words.
Identity Digital Partners With LinkedIn – Their goal is to offer free three month trial of their new website bundles. Check it out!
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