
Girlfriend.ai Sold for $275,000

Today: Appraisal of Nobleclub.com / Quality .COM Domains Wanted – Budget $2,000 / Rising Number of Complex Phishing Attacks and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Appraisal of Nobleclub.com – Two words that go togather well! I could see this going for four to five figures. What do you think?

Quality .COM Domains Wanted – Budget $2,000 – Do you have what they want? Preferably pronounceable four letter dot coms, as well as single English dictionary words. No hyphens or numbers please!

Rising Number of Complex Phishing Attacks – They believe The rising number of cyber attacks are by hackers using Russian domain names so be sure to keep an eye out.

Productivity.news Evaluation – One word dot news that makes sense! How would you value this domain name in today’s market?

Looking for Dot Coms – Budget $20,000 – Check your domain portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for! Four letter dot coms, no Q are Js please. Also Cvcv is worth more though and they are looking for multiple so keep them coming!

Girlfriend.ai Sold for $275,000 – This one word domain sold crazy well and personally I’m not surprised.

The post Girlfriend.ai Sold for $275,000 appeared first on Domaining Tips.


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