HomePro.ai Sold For $23,000

Today: CarsForSaleChicago.com Appraisal / Expired Domains and Expiring Domains / A Deep Dive into Sales and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

CarsForSaleChicago.com Appraisal – How would you value this four word domain name in today’s market? Wow, 19 letters is pretty long and i don’t think there’s anything making up for that.

Expired Domains and Expiring Domains -If you are in the market for some expired/expiring domains check out these curated lists.

A Deep Dive into Sales – Check out these reccent hot sales! Could numerical domains really be taking the stealing the spot light? Or just a fluke?

Evaluation of Bible.gg – Check out this interesting domain name. Maybe a bible gameing site, possible? What do you think

HomePro.ai Sold For $23,000 – This two word dot ai domain name sold pretty well at atom.com recently. What do you think? How is dot ai doing lately?

The post HomePro.ai Sold For $23,000 appeared first on Domaining Tips.

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