A film called Wanda: Reverse Domain Name Hijacking in UDRP
A Spanish film company called Wanda Films attempted to get the domain via the UDRP process. The Respondent is a Chinese film distribution company doing business in China…
#Sedo : Domain sales report | September 10, 2024 — sold for $130,000 dollars
Sedo domain sales report: Top sale is that was sold for $130,000 dollars. That top sale was brokered by Derick Clegg of Sedo. Welcome to the latest domain…
Domain Price Game: Sharpen your domain valuation skills!
The Domain Price Game is a new, fun, and fast-paced game that challenges your valuation skills. Unlike the Domain Game by NameBio, this one focuses on recent domain name…
- UDRP Complainant got hit with a finding of Reversed Domain Name Hijacking
Pools123 Houston LLC is the registrant of the service mark POOLS123 on the Principal Register of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), registration number 6117335, registration dated…
Drew Rosener to Rick Schwartz: Comps are for the weak and uninformed!
Always great to start off the week with a fierce statement from the world’s top domain broker, Drew Rosener. The multi-year winner of the coveted award of Top…
Ironic? USPTO infringement via the matching .com domain name
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a federal agency responsible for granting patents and registering trademarks in the United States. It operates under the Department of…
- Four years after a GoDaddy auctions pickup, domain is lost in a UDRP
The expired domain name was picked up at a GoDaddy auction for $449 dollars in 2020. Four years later, a new entity formed by the holders of the…
Sedo: Most searched keywords for August 2024
Sedo shared the latest information about the most searched keywords on the marketplace, in the month of August 2024. Remember: Our sponsor manages an extensive collection of millions…
Opt in vs. opt out: GoDaddy vs. Google
GoDaddy opted in all Afternic accounts to its newly promoted “Afternic Boost” service. While free through August initially, it’s now September and the service will cost on average 5%…
Seven with Sedo: DMON, ATTM, JNOW, and more LLLL .com domains in auction
Sedo, our kind sponsor, is holding an auction of four letter (LLLL) .com domain names; the week-long auction takes place from September 5th to September 12th, 2024. A total…