- UDRP: A terrible decision demonstrates need for Respondent’s reply
The UDRP decision against the domain name demonstrates the importance of the Respondent’s reply to such filings. Registered in 2014, was challenged by Mediacom Communications Corporation, a…
- Amazon just walked out of this domain
Six years ago, Amazon rolled out “Just Walk Out” at its Amazon Go stores. The primary push was technology enabling shoppers to go about the store, adding (or removing)…
Account credentials: How scammers attempt to steal your domains
The most common method that scammers will attempt to use to steal your domain names is by tricking you into surrendering the account credentials. Your registrar and host login…
- UDRP: A 2014 registration beat one from 2015 – Makes sense
The registrant of the domain name was slapped with a UDRP, filed by Hannes Schmutterer Schmutterer & Partner Information Technology GmbH, Austria. The Complainant registered the .at counterpart…
Dominion 2024: Invite-only Web3 conference in Las Vegas this month
Web3, with its decentralized web ecosystem, promises a future where users retain data ownership and blockchain technology fosters a token economy. It’s viewed as the next evolution of the…
Trillion .xyz domain is the latest sale from Swetha’s portfolio
The sale of was reported by Swetha Yenugula via the Dan .com marketplace. While it didn’t take a trillion dollars to sell this one-word domain name, Swetha received…
ICA Member Profile: Todd Henderson
Todd is a branding executive with over 30+ years of leadership experience. Having experienced every aspect of launching and growing a brand—from M&A to IPOs…
- UDRP: Austrian bankrupt company tried to get its domain back; Who won?
An Austrian company that went bankrupt filed a UDRP to secure its domain,, after the minority stakeholder took control of it. The case was decided at the WIPO…
- UDRP: Aged domain’s Dutch registrant won with a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking
Thirty years after its registration in 1994, the domain name was hit with a UDRP. Prior to the UDRP, Dutch company Euronet Internet, operating these days as,…
Dot .CN tops the #SpamHaus list of most abused #ccTLDs
SpamHaus is a global keeper of domain and IP violations that maintains a list of abusive behavior originating from a large variety of gTLDs, ccTLDs, and TLDs. Exactly how…