Internet News
How to set up a backup payment method at GoDaddy
Select a backup payment method to avoid an accidental expiration. Last week I wrote about the need to add a payment method for domains you win in GoDaddy premium…
- and Sold For $375,000
Today: Evaluation of / LLL Wanted – Budget $50,000 / – Reverse Domain Name Hijacking and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Evaluation…
Panel finds reverse domain name hijacking over Amexio .com
Panel determined that the Complainants tried to mislead it. A World Intellectual Property Organization panel has found that Michelios 3 and AmeXio of France tried to reverse hijack the…
Buyer Revealed in $65k sale
. The $65,000 Power Move That’s Turning Heads in 3PL When a company invests $65,000 in a premium domain, you know they’re serious. That’s exactly what LVK, a subsidiary…
Two investment groups make proposals to acquire Team Internet Group
Shares soar on buyout talk. Two investment groups have made separate proposals to acquire Team Internet Group (London AIM: TIG), the company stated today. TowerBrook Capital Partners (U.K.) LLP…
- “Little boy playing” defense fails
Panelist doesn’t accept domain registrant’s flimsy justification for registering I get a kick out of some of the defenses domain registrants throw up when confronted with a cybersquatting…
Sedo releases three weeks of domain name sales led by
Sedo is back from the holidays and released three weeks of sales data. A lot of nice sales including for $240,000, at $100,000, at $80,000. 2024-12-16…
No Place for Constructive Notice in UDRP – vol. 5.1
No Place for Constructive Notice in UDRP Once again, a Complainant has erroneously relied on “constructive notice”. The Panel properly dismissed this allegation, in part relying upon Gerald Levine’s…
Best Way to Bring in Buyer for A Domain Name?
Today: Evaluation / Looking for Dot Com – Budget $25 Per Name / The Court Dismisses Dot Wallet Lawsuit and More… Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Evaluation…
Court dismisses .wallet lawsuit
Judge sides with Unstoppable Domains, which promised not to sue (again) over the alt-root domain extension. A judge has dismissed (pdf) a lawsuit over the .wallet alt-root, blockchain-based top…